Call for participation – RoboCup 2023 in Bordeaux, France

2023 RoboCup Logistics League (RCLL)

Venue: Bordeaux, France

Tuesday, July 4th through Monday, July 10th, 2023 2023.robocup,org

Logistics League Homepage


*Important Deadlines*

   * Pre-Registration: March 31, 2023

   * TDP Submission: March 31, 2023



With both competitive and research aspects, the RoboCup Logistics League aims to demonstrate the possibilites of a future Smart Factory.

With the concept of “Industry 4.0“ in mind, production steps have to be divided into actions executable by robots, thus making their automation possible. These actions have to be planned and coordinated fully autonomously by the robots.

The RCLL strives to promote research and development on the intralogistic challenges of future production processes. For this purpose the competition is held in an exemplary factory setting where an abstract product consisting of bases, rings and caps can be produced.

There are 3 separate competitions in the RCLL:

  * Main Track

  * Challenge Track

  * Open Challenge

The Main Track is a competition similar to prior years, with games that replicate a full production scenario.

The Challenge Track focuses on the individual skills that are required to succeed in the RCLL and thus is a great opportunity for newcomers to gradually progress in the domain.

The Open Challenge is an invitation for teams to shine with their own innovative ideas on how to tackle the challenges arising in a Smart Factory.


All interested teams must submit a Team description paper (TDP) in order to qualify. The TDP is limited to 8 pages and must be formatted according to the LNCS format:

Guidelines for Papers

Deadline for Submission is March 31, 2023.

Optional Qualification Materials include a Team Video and a Team Poster to encourage exchange between teams.


Registration must be done via Email to:

and must not include the Qualification Material, but a link to access the qualification material.

The registration must include:

 1. Team Name

 2. Country

 3. Affiliation

 4. Team Leader Name

 5. Team Contact Info (Email)

 6. Team Website address

The subject of the Email should be:

/[RoboCupLogisticsLeague2023-Participation] (YourTeamName)/

We hope to see you around,

the RoboCup Logistics League Organizing and Technical Committee

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